Temple Byron

Past Events


Awakening To Love with Rahasya Kraft
Byron Bay Meditation Centre
Acutonics Sound Healing
Feast For Freedom
Immersive Sound Healing
Eden Yoga Workshop
Byron Bay Pilates Academy
Family Constellations with Liz
Byron Bay Pilates Academy
Shiva Shakti Yoga
Astrology Nights with Varij
Buddhist Meditation with John Allan
Atlantis Rising Sound Healing
Thai Chi with Robbie Schnyer
Byron Bay Meditation Centre
Byron Katie Group with Liz Kerley
Dru Yoga with Annabel McLisky
Rising Feminine Retreat with Lea Angela


Byron Katie Group with Liz Kerley
WimHof method with Alex Southcombe
Master Lui Qi Gong
Family Constellations with Dinesh
Byron Bay Pilates Academy
Shiva Shakti Yoga
Work of Byron Katie with Rosie Stave
Shiva Rae Yoga workshop
Womens Mindfulness Circle with Gabrielle
Social Dhamma with Julian Robinson
Astrology Nights with Varij
Dru Yoga with Annabel McLisky
Atlantis Rising Sound Healing
Rebalance Retreats
Family Constellations with Liz
Womens Mindfulness  Circle with Gabrielle
Cosmic Love Astrology with Daisy
Dismantling your Story with Miranda
Thai Chi with Robbie Schnyer
Buddhist Meditation with John Allan
Patsy Bennett Astrology
Byron Bay Meditation Centre
Lovers Journey with Martina Duell
Systemic family Constellations with Maria Dolenc
Awaken Your Heart and Soul with Adria Ellis
Rising Feminine Retreat with Lea Angela 
Empress Events and Retreats


Byron Meditation Centre
A Day with Spirit with Liz Winter
Dr Steven Booth Transpersonal Acupuncture
Takara Yoga with Danielle
Rebalance Retreats
Gangaji Small Group Retreat
Vita Yoga Astrology Group with Russ 
Byron Katie Group with Liz Kerley
Tarot with Angeline
Heart Sense with Maggie Clarke
Rama Codes Of The Sacred Masculine
Buddhist Teachings with Patrick Kearney
Shrine River Soundscapes with Alice
Meditation with Malcolm Huxter
Resonate Therapy with Danielle Gigante
Draw Your Dreams with Nicola Pratten
Heart Circle with Rita Cramer
Energy Medicine with Angeline
Buddhist Meditation with John Allan
Divine University Group Blessing
Social Dhamma with Julian Robinson
Astrology Nights with Varij
Dru Yoga with Annabel McLisky
Byron Mindful Meditation with Pairoj
Tai Chi with Robbie Scheiner
Atlantis Rising Sound Healing
Mens group with Paul Sharker
Touched By The Infinite
Acutonics with Peter Bowden
The Spiral with Dane Tomas
Alan Clements Retreat
Family Constellations


Buddhist Meditation with John Allan
The Template Ceremonies
Meditation with Patrick Kearney
Yoga with Jon Veranese
Sarah Jane Bennett
Enneagram with Robert Bruce
Red Tent with Helena Nista
Baking a Baby with Emma Bellamy
Mens Empowerment Dave McDermott
Meditation Collective
Byron Katie Group with Liz Kerley
Ambrosia Miracles with Lea Angela
Heart Circle with Rita Cramer
Tantra with Martina Duel
Leela Group with Jared Franks
Resonate Therapy with Danielle Gigante
Social Dhamma with Julian Robinson
Universal Kinetics with Brian Schaefer
Buddhist Meditation with John Allan
Womens Group with Mackayla Chalmers
Astrology Night with Varij
DruYoga with Annabel McLisky
Divine University Group Blessing
Sound Healing Atlantis Rising
Tarot with Angeline
Psychic Awareness with Liz Winter
Byron Katie work with Rosie Stave
Liz Winter Psychic Awareness
Byron Mindful Meditation with Pairoj
Kundalini Yoga with Maya
Health Counselling with Liz Kerley
Mindfulness Meditation with Mal Huxter


Enneagram with Robert Bruce
The Work Of Byron Katie With Rosie
Bodywork with Gary Wholman
Intimacy Teacher Training With Michaela Boehm
Dharma Dialogues with Catherine Ingram
Health Counselling with Liz Kerley
A Day with Spirit with Liz Winter
Meditation with Pairoj Brahma
Sound Healing Atlantis Rising
Leela School with Jared Franks
Tarot with Angeline
Healing Tao with Adam Gokmen
Breath Of Bliss
Oils Soiree with Artemis
Resonate Therapy with Danielle Gigante
Healing Tao with Adam Gokmen
Intimacy and Relationship with Michaela Boehm
Journey with Brandon Bays
Catherine Ingram Dharma Dialogues
Red Tent Australia
Meditation with Dean Coupland
Womens Group with Mackayla Chalmers
Byron Mindful Meditation
Michael Rowland
Cosmic Classroom with Lois Hunt and Paul Margolin
DruYoga with Annabel McLisky
Astrology with Varij
Buddhist Meditation with John Allan
Divine University Group Blessing
Psych-K with Liz Champtaloup
Gangaji and Eli
Kundalini Yoga with Natasha


New Life Awakening Kriya Yoga
Health Counselling with Liz Kerley
Living In Meditation with Amma
Neshama Life with Orna Triguboff
Michaela Boehm Relationship
Meditation with Dean Coupland
Blake Bauer workshops
Leela School with Jared Franks
Meditation with Carol Perry
Mindful Meditation with Melli Obrien
Trauma Yoga with Annabel McClisky
Sound Healing with Elijah Ray
Advanced Business Abilities with Mike Irving
Brisbane Aikido Seminar
Answering the Call with Chip Richards
Full Moon with Belinda Burton
Michael Rowland
Byron Mindful Meditation
Sound Journey with Elijah Ray
Master Rendo Training
Michael Rowland Retreat
Yoga Health Retreats
Holistic Massage with Eiko
Kundalini Yoga with Natasha
Meditation with Pairoj
The Journey with Brandon Bays
Divine University Blessing
Dru Yoga with Annabel McLisky
Meditation with John Allen
Bay Insight Meditation
Astrology with Varij


Blake Bauer
Divine University Blessing
Sacred Geometry with Michael Rice
Mindful Meditation with Melissa
Qi Gong with Paul Dumais
Bay Insight Meditation
Conscious Relating with Illumina
Sound Healing with Avishai
Cosmic Classroom with Lois and Paul
Haved Your Cake and Eat It  Lisa Green
Love Works Training
John Allan
Dream Drone with Si
Dru Yoga with Annabel
Astrology with Varij
The Journey with Brandon Bays
Alan Clements
Healing Hertz
Trauma Yoga with Annabel
Loveworks Training
Gangaji retreat
Eli Enneagram


Jeremiah Abrams
Paul Dumais Qi Gong
Greg Lahood
Greg Doyle
Riddhi Yoga
Qi Gong with Paul Dumais
Sound Pod with Sam
Armonica sound healing
Divine University blessing
Sacred Sound with Lelama
The Journey with Brandon Bays
Tribal Flow with Gopali
Healing Hertz
Dru Yoga
Rhada Nicholson Meditation
Astrology with Varij
Star Temple
Mindfulness Meditation
Kundalini Yoga
Bay Insight Meditation
Astrology with Varij
Cosmic Classroom
Dru Yoga
Budhist Meditation with John Allan
Divine University Blessing
Kundalini Yoga
Jon Allan Meditation


Simon Borg Olivier Yoga
Janice Clarfield Pre-natal Yoga
Chicko Xerrie Aikido
Simon Borg Olivier Yoga
Dr Greg Lahood
Dru Yoga
Kundalini Yoga
Rahda Bay Insight meditation
John Allan
Astrology with Varij
Qi Gong with Paul Dumais
Spiritual Movies with Laing
Sacred Union with Tanishka
Taryn Breathwork
Sound Healing with Ananara
Theta Healing
Oneness Blessings
Daniel Sowelu Astrology
Wholly Mens Group
Michael Rowland
iRest Workshop
Bernie Prior talk
Ashera Sound Journey
Taoist Sexual Meditation
Sustainable Housing meeting
Four Winds Association
Now Wow Sound Healing
Daniel Coates Sound Healing
Path Of Love meetings
Carlos Palada
Amma Seminar


Brandon Bays The Journey
Ishta Yoga Teacher Training
Ashera Heart Sound Healing
The Template Sacred Geometry
Janice Clarefield Prenatal Yoga Training
Now Wow Sound Healing
Intuition Intensive with Kira Kay
Institute of Meditative Studies
Divine University Blessings
Magicians Way Seminar
Yoga White Lotus
Keeta Raw Food
Jeremiah Abrams
John Allen Budhist Group
Avishai Sound Shower
Acro Yoga Workshop
The Journey with Brandon Bays
Australian Bushflower Workshop
The Template Sacred Geometry Workshop
Ringing Cedars : Anastasia
Shamanic Healing Workshop
In Presence Of Gongs Sound Healing
Swami Govindananda
Human Mastery Seminar Weekend
Avishai Sound Shower
Oneness Blessing
Satsang with Catherine Ingram
Path Of Love
Brandon Bays The Journey 2011
Eli Advanced Enneagram Retreat 2010
Gangaji Self Enquiry workshop
Aikido seminar 2010
Janice Clarefield Prenatal Yoga Training
Thai Boxing workshop with Kevin Prandolini
Munai Ki workshop 2010
Sex Therapy with Alison Rahn


Full Moon Meditation with Troi Leonard
Greg Lahood seminar 2010
Lyn Bell Astrologer Workshop 2010
Simon Borg Olivier Yoga Intensive
Magicians Way Master Your Destiny
Astrology with Varij
Aikido Seminar
Full Moon Meditation with Troi Leonard
Michael Rowland Seminar
Thai Boxing Workshop
Life Death and Beyond
Sex Therapy with Alison Rahn
Tess Cullen Astrology workshop
Sound Healing with Now Wow
Ishta Yoga Japanese Teacher Training
Path Of Love meeting
Jiva and Juliet Carter Sacred Geometry
Four Winds Association Shamanic workshop


Oneness Blessing 2012
Cuddle Party with Jessica
Mindfullness Meditation
Michael Rowland Seminar
Relational Spirituality with Greg lahood
Medicine Crow
Astrology with Varij and Paul
Queensland School of Oriental Medicine
Bay insight Meditation
Father of the Gong
The template sacred Geometry
Harjwan Yoga Workshop
Dru Yoga Workshop
Magical Realm Aboriginal elders gathering
Oneness Blessing 2010 training
Spirit web Internet intro night
Magicians way training 2010
Swami Kaleshwar teachings with Bharati
Sound Healing with Now Wow
Contact Impro Dance with peter Notley
Singularia Launch with James Harvey
Into the Silence with Troi Leonard
Kundalini Yoga Workshop with Harjwan
Calling in the One with Kylie Flevelle
Path of Love Introductory Meetings
Temple Dance with Sienna Moon
Developing Intuition with Michael Wheeler


Four Winds healing with the Light Body
Cornelia Elbrecht Art therapy training
Michael Rowland Self Development and Personal growth
Gangaji and Eli Enneagram Retreat
Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training and certification for conscious birthing
Creative ways of Making space for the baby
In the presence of Gongs
Sacred Space Music
Dreamtime Journey Breathwork group
Bharati Intensive Seminar
Swami Kaleshar Satsang and Process
Magicians Way Training August 2009
Flamenco Classes with Louise Robinson
Lois Hunt Numerology Seminar
Troi Leonard Healing self and Soul
Aikido Annual Seminar Oct 2009
Yoga BC retreat Sept 2009
Dreamtime Breathwork Workshop
Ishta Yoga Teacher Training Sept 2009
Wild Honey dance Festival Sept 2009


Diamond Heart Spiritus
Alan Clements Retreat 2009
Queensland School of Oriental Medicine
Belly Temple Ecstatic Dance 2009
Womens Winter Solstice Yoga Event
Ananara Sound Healing Night
Secret of the Kundalini
Womens Sexual health Workshop
Dru Yoga with Har Jiwan
Buddhist teachings with John Allen
Tai Chi and Qi Gong with Ophir Biran
Kundalini Yoga with Maya
Bahjan with Kevin CD one
Bay Insight Meditation with Rhada Nicholson
Will of the People Project
Dance of the Seven Veils
I am Meditation with leslie
Contact Impro Dance with Peter Notley
Mandalas of the beautiful names of God
Cat Kabira Yoga
Troi leonard – Intuitive healer and Spirit Guide
The Magicians Way Workshop
Rachel Zinmen $ Ishta System teacher Traing
Living from the Heart Valentine's day
The Initiatic Art Therapy Traing
BC Yoga from Sydney
Path of Love Introduction Night 2009


Introduction to Kundalini Yoga with Maya Jan 2009
Simon Borg-Oliver Yoga Synergy In Byron Bay Nov 2008
The beloved Nayriyana launch Nov 2008
Lora Stone $ Marci Anderson "Laksmhi Fire Puja & Satsang"
Kevin Kasier Australia Intuition Workshop Nov 2008
Family Constellation Workshop 2008
Gyuto Monks Experience Buddhahood Retreat 2008
Pranic Alignment with Twee merrigan 2008
Sacred Sexuality 2008
Sister yeshe 2008
AIKIDO Master Koretoshi Maruyama Sensei 2008
Aloha Spirit Conference 2008
Master Liu De Ming 2007/2008
Intiatic Arts Therapy 2008
Network Chiropractic 2008
Baqua Unicorn & Healing Qi gong Workshop 2008
Love your Pelvic floor 2008
Manakini Japanese Yoga intensive 2008
The Third Sulha peace project 2007
Oneness Blessing July 2007
World Openess day 2007
Gyuto Monks held their "White Tara Long Life Retreat " 2007
Family Constellations 2007
Trauma Workshop Dianne Poole Heller 2007
Sacred Indian Music 2007


Shuyno and Marco Dance and Meditation 2007
Mirabai Devi 2007
Angelica 2007
Fire the Grid Global Meditation 2007
Theta Healing 2007
Emerald Celtic Music

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